What Puts a Dog at Risk of Parasitic Worms?

One of the most common problems for dogs is infestation by parasitic worms. Although there are reliable and effective pet meds available to deworm your pet dog, preventing him or her from infection is preferable to having to use pet meds . What puts a dog at risk of becoming infected by parasitic worms? We look at the risk-factors that your dog may face, and discover how to minimize the threat of infection.

Risk Factor Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can be annoying for us humans, but dogs can prevent a much more serious issue. Throughout the United States and in many other countries around the world, mosquitoes can carry the larvae of a parasitic worm called heartworm . When a dog is bitten by a heartworm infected mosquito, the parasite can be passed into the dog's bloodstream. The heartworm travel to the heart and respiratory system, and left untreated can cause severe health issues for the host animal. To reduce the risk of infection by mosquito bite, use a suitable pet med . You can also try to keep your pet away from mosquito-friendly zones such as ditches and stagnant ponds, especially at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes feed. Do seek advice from your veterinarian if you are concerned that your pet may already be infected, as pet meds can be used to eliminate the worms safely.

Risk Factor Fleas

Parasitic worms are most commonly transferred to pet dogs by another parasite the flea. Fleas can worm cysts, and if your dog accidentally swallows a flea while grooming, the worm can transfer to your pet. The obvious way to tackle this issue is to follow a strict flea control plan using a topically applied pet med such as Frontline Plus and regularly cleaning bedding. If your dog has suffered a flea infestation, there is a risk that he or may have become infected by worms, so combine a flea control treatment with a deworming pet med.

Risk Factor Contact with Infected Dogs

One risk factor which people often forget about is that worms can pass from one dog to another. Dogs have a rather unfortunate habit of greeting each other by sniffing around each others rear ends, where worm eggs can be present in infected dogs. Other points of contact might be dog's which share food, toys or bedding. Remember that if you pet is out and about, he may come into contact with dogs which have not been treated for worms. To reduce this risk factor, remember to treat all the dogs in your home with deworming pet meds at the same time, and minimize contact with unknown/stray canines.

Risk Factor Dogs Which Hunt

Dogs which hunt for rabbit, mice and other prey face a higher risk than stay-at-home pets of catching worms. This is because many prey species can serve as an intermediate host for parasites when a dog consumes worm eggs or larvae, the parasites will transfer to the dog's digestive system. Whether your dog is a trained working dog (on a farm for example) or simply keeps himself entertained with the local rodent population, use pet meds to reduce the risk of future health problems caused by worms.