Ten Reasons to Desex Your New Pupp


Is Rover just about ready for the big operation? Are you are pondering the eternal question "To desex or not to desex" (I'm sure it was something like that...). Well, here are ten very good reasons to go ahead and desex your puppy.

1. Seminomas
A type of testicular tumor. More common in dogs with undescended, or retained testes (called "cryptorchids), so make sure that these animals are desexed.

2. Sustentacular (Sertoli) cell tumors
Another type of testicular tumor. These produce excessive amounts of estrogen, which can cause feminisation of male dogs. It can also cause anemia through bone marrow suppression, and can lead to death. This tumor is particularly common in cryptorchids.

3. Interstitial (Leydig) cell tumor
Yet another testicular tumor. Remember: no testicles means no testicular tumors. All of these tumors can be avoided by desexing.

4. Prostatic hypertrophy and prostatic cysts
Generally caused by the presence of male hormones (androgens) secreted by the testes. As in human males, this can be very painful and interfere with urination or defaecation.

5. Cystic endometrial hyperplasia
Estrogen released during the estrus cycle of the female causes changes to the wall of the uterus. Commonly leads to Pyometra....

6. Pyometra
An abnormal uterus which becomes pus-filled. This can rupture, or lead to female sepsis. Toxins produced by the bacteria causing the infection (most commonly E. coli) can collect in the kidneys and cause severe renal damage. Pyometras are often fatal.

"The benefits of desexing far outweigh any disadvantages and Pet Shed strongly recommends that you consider this for your puppy."

7. Mammary adenocarcinomas
"Breast cancer". Bitches desexed prior to their first heat have an 0.5% risk of developing this tumor. Those desexed after their first heat have an 8% risk, whilst those desexed after the second heat have a 26% risk. The later the desexing, the higher the risk of developing this tumor

8. Increased aggression in intact males
Particularly aggression between males competing for female attention.

9. Increased tendency to wander
This is most liekly when dogs go find a mate. It can also mean an increased chance to be hit by a car whilst "on the prowl"

10. Unwanted puppies
Every year thousands of unwanted dogs are put to sleep. Don't contribute to this problem! There are many old wives tails arguing against desexing, such as 'females which have had a litter make nicer pets'. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support this. Even non-scientific, anecdotal evidence is sketchy on this!

Another argument put forward is that desexed animals tend to be obese. This has a grain of truth to is as desexed animals do tend to be more prone to weight gain. However, this can easily be managed by an appropriate diet and exercise program.

The benefits of desexing far outweigh any disadvantages and Pet Shed strongly recommends that you consider this for your puppy.