July 31, 2007

Read all about it

My puppy Keira caught her first mouse yesterday. I don’t know who was more proud - me or her.

She dropped it into her food bowl (just in case we missed the point) and strutted around the garden like she’d caught Osama bin Laden himself rather than a harmless mouse.

Mind you, all jokes aside some dogs actually are making a huge contribution to the global war on terror - three British dogs were given medals for their sterling rescue work in the aftermath of the 2005 London suicide bombings. I bet there’s only one other dog which would be so used to wearing that much bling - Paris Hilton’s chihuahua Tinkerbell. (more…)

July 10, 2007

Ten reasons to desex your new puppy

Filed under: Dr Sally speaks — admin @ 12:18 am

Is Rover just about ready for the big operation? Are you are pondering the eternal question ¿To desex or not to desex¿ (I’m sure it was something like that…). Well, here are ten very good reasons to go ahead and desex your puppy.

1. Seminomas
A type of testicular tumor. More common in dogs with undescended, or retained testes (called ¿cryptorchids), so make sure that these animals are desexed.
