How Do I Know if I'm Buying Genuine Revolution?

I have recently become aware of a worrying trend which concerns any dog or cat owner who is planning to buy Revolution for use on their pets. Unscrupulous vendors, primarily through online auction sites, are selling products which claim to be genuine Revolution but are counterfeit products. To help you to avoid falling into the trap of buying these fake products, read on to take a closer look at why it is important to ensure that you only buy and use genuine Revolution on your pets and how to spot counterfeit products.

What is the Problem with Fake Revolution?

One of the greatest concerns with counterfeit Revolution flea and tick control products is that they may contain harmful ingredients. Most of the fake versions of Revolution that are being sold to the public are imported (often illegally) from overseas, which means you never know exactly what the tube contains. The best case scenario is that a fake product simply contains water or baby oil, which will probably not affect your pet but won't protect them from fleas or ticks either. If you were to unknowingly use a non-genuine Revolution pet medicine over a period of time, this could leave your dog or cat at risk of infestation by heartworm and other harmful or fatal parasites. The worst case scenario can occur if the fake Revolution contains an ingredient which is poisonous or causes allergies in pets this could make your pet ill, causing distress to both yourself and the animal.

How to Spot Fake Revolution

One thing that any pet owner who wants to buy Revolution for their pet should be aware of is the fact that the con artists who make fake pet medicines are very clever. The differences between fake Revolution and genuine Revolution packaging is often almost indistinguishable. This means that you need to check any product that you buy very carefully before using it, and seek advice from a veterinarian if you are unsure.

Genuine Revolution is made by Pfizer and you'll find the brand name and logo printed clearly throughout the packaging of the product. This is one of the first things you should look for when you buy Revolution. You will also find full instructions of how to use this pet medicine included within the packaging of a real product.

Signs that a product claiming to be Revolution may be fake included images or text which seems blurred or badly printed, and is in a different position to that of a genuine Revolution box. In some cases, packaging will have stickers in English which have been placed over non-English language text. Alarm bells should also ring if you find that the outer packaging of the product has active ingredient quantities which differ from the details listed on the individual dosage. Another way to check the product is to look for the statement that the product is FDA approved, followed for a six digit reference number, which is unlikely to appear on counterfeit products.

If you believe that you have mistakenly purchased a pack of non-genuine Revolution, you should report it to the relevant authority in your area. Remember that purchasers of fake products will not be fined or liable to legal action: by sharing information about these illegal products maybe we can prevent other people's pets from becoming ill and stop the trade of these potentially dangerous counterfeit pet medicines.